Anonymous Gneshnensky and John Dulgosh

Zubritsky, Denis Ivanovich (1777-1862).Anonymous Gneznensky and John Dulgosh: Latin.extracts from their cit., Art. belonging to the history of Galich-Vladim.Rus, for the period from 1337 to 1387, with rus.per.And Crete.Researchand notic.: Instead of the 4th h. Galich.Stories / Oh.Denis Zubitsky.- Lviv: Type.Stavropigiyanskaya, 1855. - [4], 122 p.;27. -Anonymous Gneznensky - Pseud.Yana from Charnkov.1-3 h. Ed.Under the stood: "History of the ancient Galich-Russian Principality.".I. DLUGOSH, John (14 century).II.Anonymous Gneznensky (14th century).III.DLUGOSH, YAN (14 century).IV.Jan from Charnkova (14 century).Electronic copy source: RGBOriginal storage place: F 56/80
Publisher тип. Ставропигиянская

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