The chronicle of Solovets, or a brief chief of the initial life in the Solovetsky Island of Rev. Father Zosimima and Savvatiya a...

The chronicle of Solovets, or a brief chief of the initial life in the Solovetsky Island of Rev. Father Zosimima and Savvatiya and his employee, Herman, Solovetsky Wonderviews, and about their supervision, as well as former after Solovetsky Hegumen and Archimandrites, and with them about all the construction of monastic and everyoneWith memorable crops, until now, the Solovetskago Monastery is published by Archimandrite Paisius with the brother;For the pleasure of lovers of Say of the monastery, 1814.- Moscow: In the printing house S. Selivanovskago, 1815. -87, [1] p.;8 ° (22 cm).-Cents: N.E.Cherepanov, 21 Dec.1814For the first time ed.In 1790, under the stall: the chronicle of the Solovetskago Monastery ... See: SK XVIII, 3673.In this edThe chronicle is complemented by the chronicle of the life of the Solovetsky Monastery 1761 - 1814. - the consolidated catalog of the Russian book 1801-1825..I. Cherepanov, Nikifor Evtropievich (1762-1823).II.Paisius (Archimandrite Solovetsky Monastery in 1813 - 1818). 1.Savvata (-1434).2. Zosima (-1478).3. Herman (-1479).Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher в типографии С. Селивановскаго