The reasoning of the employee as a guide to the new establishment of the Gentry Cadet Corps, how many belong to the military par...

Betskoi, Ivan Ivanovich (1704-1795).
The reasoning of the employee as a guide to the new establishment of the Gentry Cadet Corps, how many belong to the military part of the army. - [Sankt-Petersburg]: [Pec. under the Senate], [September 30, 1766]. -25, [1] p. ; 2 ° (33 cm). -
to: Betskoi I.I. Statute of the Imperial Szlachetnego of the landed cadet corps .- St.Petersburg: [Senate type.], 1766.
At p. 25 under M.P.: Printed at the Senate of September 30th, 1766.
Without tit. l.
I. The Senate Printing House (St. Petersburg).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher [Печ. при Сенате]