Collection of laws and forms on awards: 1) clergy for merits and distinctions for the diocesan, educational, civil and military ...

Kalashnikov, Simeon Vasilyevich
Collection of laws and forms on awards: 1) clergy for merits and distinctions for the diocesan, educational, civil and military departments; 2) church elders, representatives of parishioners with a monthly certificate of parish and church fees, teachers of parochial schools, persons who render special services to these schools, trustees of literacy schools, rural and rural superiors and other secular persons for services in the spiritual department; 3) persons serving in the spiritual and educational institutions, in spiritual consistencies and in spiritual government with the protopresbyter of the military and naval clergy / Comp. c. ac. Simeon Vasilyevich Kalashnikov, stolonach. Kharkov. perfume. consistory. - Kharkov: type. THEM. Varshavchik, 1893.-VIII, 143 p. ; 22. - .
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original storage: U 425/2; U 412/365; A 201/1142
Publisher тип. И.М. Варшавчика