The outpouring of the heart, which respects the goodness of one-man command and is terrifying, looking at the pernicious fruits ...

Lopukhin, Ivan Vladimirovich (1756-1816).
The outpouring of the heart, which respects the goodness of one-man command and is terrifying, looking at the pernicious fruits of the dream of equality and violent freedom: With the addition of several images of the mental blindness of those who are not where they should, they seek the causes of their calamities. / Written by a Russian who wrote a Discourse on the abuse of reason by some new writers, etc., printed in 1780. - Moscow: Type. Ponomareva, 1794. -64 p. ; 8. -
Each of the three works is also printed separately with the name of the author.
In a number of sources, the authorship was erroneously attributed to Apollos (Baibakov).
The goodness and advantage of one-man management; The image of the harmful fruits of the dream of equality and exuberant freedom; Description of several paintings and a list with some passages that are in the Store of an old look at the internal causes of actions, and the blindness of corrupted Frenchmen. - SK XVIII.
I. Apollos, Baibakov, Andrei Dmitrievich (1737-1801). II. Printing house of Ponomarev (Moscow).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Тип. Пономарева