The hero of Little Russia Zinovy ​​Bogdan Khmelnitsky, or the Accession of Little Russia to Russia

Gorelov, Evgeniy Ivanovich
The hero of Little Russia Zinovy ​​Bogdan Khmelnitsky, or the Accession of Little Russia to Russia: East. novel in 4 hours - Moscow: А.С. Sazonov, 1900. -503 p. ; 17. -
Region: Getman Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
On the region. aut. not specified.
Each hour has its own. tit. l.
I. Khmelnitsky, Bogdan Mikhailovich (about 1595-1657). II. Khmelnitsky, Zinovy ​​Bogdan (about 1595-1657).
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original: W 106/597
Publisher А.С. Сазонов