Greece, or the Gallery of the Remarkable Species and Ruins of this Classical Land, published by Ivan De La Croa

Delacroix, Ivan Ivanovich (1781-1852).
Greece, or the Gallery of the Remarkable Species and Ruins of this Classical Land, published by Ivan De La Croa: With 30 prints, engraving. on the steel. - Riga: type. Miller, 1837. - [6], 30 p., 30 liters. yl. ; 22x29. -
Tit. l. and the text in Russian, German. and fr.
The text is baked. on one side of the sheet.
I. Kroa, Ivan De la (1781-1852).
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original: МК; J 104/204; U 131/460
Publisher тип. Миллера
Catalogue object