Something to think about prayer and the essence of Christianity

Lopukhin, Ivan Vladimirovich (1756-1816).
Something for thinking about prayer and the essence of Christianity. - Eagle: In the Provincial Printing House, 1814. - [2], 44 p. ; 8 ° (16 cm). -
When sending a DP. Runichu copies of the book the author asked to give them H.A. Chebotarev, N.I. Novikov, S.I. Gamaley et al. (See Russian Archives - 1870, 1232.)
After the publication of this ed. with the permission of the author. is also published in the journal. "A Friend of Youth" for 1814 (No. 11, pp. 88 - 124).
Cens .: St. Petersburg. cens. com
At the end of the text of the author: The writer of the book: Some features about the internal church and so on .. - The combined catalog of the Russian book 1801-1825
1. Chebotarev, Khariton Andreevich (1772-1805). 2. Gamaleya, Semyon Ivanovich (1743-1822). 3. Runich, Dmitry Pavlovich (1776-1860). 4. Novikov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1744-1818).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher В Губернской типографии