Zoology with a 52-sheet atlas, compiled by A. Postels, V. Dal and A. Sapozhnikov

Postels, Alexander Filippovich (1801-1871).
Zoology with an atlas of 52 sheets, compiled by A. Postels, V. Dahl and A. Sapozhnikov. - 2 nd ed. -Saint Petersburg: type. Headquarters military-training. institutions, 1852. - [4], VI, 460, XXI with. ; 22. - (Training manuals for military schools.) Natural history. -
On tit. L.: Zoology ..., compiled by A. Postels and A. Sapozhnikov; at the end of the initiation: A. Postels, V. Dal, A. Sapozhnikov.
Postels, Alexander Filippovich, Sapozhnikov, Andrei Petrovich. Atlas ..., compiled by A. Postels and A. Sapozhnikov, 1851.-Author. in the atlas are not indicated (cipher:
I. Sapozhnikov, Andrei Petrovich (1795-1855). II. Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher тип. Штаба воен.-учеб. заведений