Extract from letters of various officials of the French army, intercepted on the road from Dresden to Leipzig and written in Aug...

Extract from letters of various officials of the French army, intercepted on the road from Dresden to Leipzig and written in August and September of this 1813.: Sent with Official news from the city of Commandubogo in St. Petersburg to the city of Commander-in-Chief in Moscow.- Moscow: In the printing house Selivanskago, 1813. -43, [1] p.;8 ° (21 cm).-Selo.To: Napoleon and French in Moscow.- M., 1813.Text paral.On Fr.and rus.Yaz.Vasters: Printed with the permisso-chief in Moscow ... Graphy Fedor Vasilyevich Grimachchina (p. [1]).At the same time ed.In another translation and without FR.text.See: Extract from intercepted letters ...Consolidated catalog of the Russian book 1801-1825..I. Rostopchin, Fedor Vasilyevich (1765-1826).Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher в типографии С. Селивановскаго