Convention on Extradition of fugitive concluded between His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and His Majesty the King of P...

Convention on Extradition of fugitive concluded between His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and His Majesty the King of Prussia in Berlin Maia 13/25 days in 1816 and ratified, August 8th day togozhe year: Convention de cartel entre sa majeste l`empereur de toutes les Russies et sa majeste le roide Prusse, signee a Berlin le 13/25 mai et ratifiee le 8 aout 1816. - [B.m.] [1817].- [2], 19 [1] p.;2 ° (32 cm).-Tit.l.and the text of Russian.and fr.lang.On p.15 - 19: dopolnitelnyyu articles to the Convention for the extradition of fugitives, concluded between Russia and Prussia Maia 13/25 days in 1816, postanovlennyya in Berlin March 24 / April 5 days in 1817 and ratifikovannyya Maia Igo day of the year = Articles additionnels de la Convention decartel conclue entre la Russie et la Prusse le 13/25 mai 1816, signes a Berlin le 24 mars / 5 avrill et ratifies le 1 mai 1817 .. - Union catalog of Russian books 1801-1825..1. Frederick William III (King locust .; 1770-1840).2. Alexander I (1777-1825 .; imp).electronic copy Source: RSL