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Convention on Extradition of fugitive concluded between His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and His Majesty the King of Prussia in Berlin Maia 13/25 days in 1816 and ratified, August 8th day togozhe year: Convention de cartel entre sa majeste l`empereur de toutes les Russies et sa majeste le roide Prusse, signee a Berlin le 13/25 mai et ratifiee le 8 aout 1816. - [B.m.] [1817].- [2], 19 [1] p.;2 ° (32 cm).-Tit.l.and the text of Russian.and fr.lang.On p.15 - 19: dopolnitelnyyu articles to the Convention for the extradition of fugitives, concluded between Russia and Prussia Maia 13/25 days in 1816, postanovlennyya in Berlin March 24 / April 5 days in 1817 and ratifikovannyya Maia Igo day of the year = Articles additionnels de la Convention decartel conclue entre la Russie et la Prusse le 13/25 mai 1816, signes a Berlin le 24 mars / 5 avrill et ratifies le 1 mai 1817 .. - Union catalog of Russian books 1801-1825..1. Frederick William III (King locust .; 1770-1840).2. Alexander I (1777-1825 .; imp).electronic copy Source: RSL