Report Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board .... XXXX regular session for 1903. XXXX regular session for 1903

Zolotonosh Uyezd Zemstvo Administration.
The report of the Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board ... - Zolotonosha, 1868-1915. - 24 cm. -
Place of publishing. Reports for the years 1869-1876, 1879-1899. - Poltava; for the years 1877-1878. - not specified.
report for 1867: Report on actions and orders ...; for 1881-1915: Report of the Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board to the Zolotonoshsky Uyezd Zemstvo Assembly ...
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
XXXX regular session for 1903: XXXX regular session for 1903. - 1904. - [2], 127 s .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL