Encyclopaedic dictionary of t-va "Br. A. and I. Granat and Co.". T. 40. Issue. 3. Resistance of materials - Socialization and na...

Encyclopaedic dictionary of TV "Br. A. and I. Granat and Co." / artist. L. Pasternak. - 7 th ed., Pererab. / Ed. V. Ya. Zheleznova, M. M. Kovalevsky, S. A. Muromtsev, K. A. Timiryazev. -Moscow: Ch. the office of the company "Br. A. and I. Granat and Co.," 1910-1948. - 23-24 cm. -
On the region: 7 th ed. t-va "Br. Granat and K."
Izd. 1-6 published under the heading: Desktop encyclopaedic dictionary.
К отд. t. ed. add. leaflets, to tt. 1-15, 22-26, 28, 30-34, 36 (part 1), 37, 41 (parts 5-8, 10), 42, 45 (parts 2-3), 48-49 there are additional . leaflets in the form of Dep. brochures.
Part: Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Bibliographic Institute "Br. A. and I. Granat and Co."; Part: Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Russian Bibliographic Institute "Granat".
In the part of the volumes of sub-headings: up to 33 volumes under the ed. prof. Yu.S. Gambarova, prof. V.Ya. Zheleznova, prof. M.M. Kovalevsky [and others].
I. Zheleznov, Vladimir Yakovlevich (1869-1938). II. Kovalevsky, M.M. .. III. Muromtsev, S.A. IV. Timiryazev, KA. V. Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich (1862-1945). VI. Granat, A. and Co., a partnership (Moscow) .1. Encyclopedic dictionaries - History.
ББК 92
T. 40. Issue. 3: Resistance of materials - Socialization and nationalization and continuation of the appendix "The Current State of the Most Important States." - 7 th ed., Owls. Revised., 11th ed., Sr. - [19--]. -
Contained: Weed grass / Yakushkin IV; Classical monarchy / Dzhivelegov AK; Saussure / Timiryazev KA; Vessel engines / Samoilov AF; Vessels / Samoilov AF; Milk vessels / Votchal EF; Sophia Paleologue / Pokrovsky MN; Sofya Alekseevna / Firsov NN; Conservation of matter law / Kablukov IA
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original storage: Рб 1/30; RB 1/31; Rb 1/32; OP; Рб 1/33; CSB; MK; Rb. 1/37; RB 1/38; Rb 1/36; RB 1/34; RB 1/35; V 555/4; V 555/5; V 555/3; V 555/1; V 555/2
Publisher Гл. контора т-ва "Бр. А. и И. Гранат и К°"

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