The report of the Society for the delivery of cheap apartments and other benefits to the needy residents of St. Petersburg .... ...

Society of delivering cheap apartments and other benefits to needy residents of St. Petersburg.
The report of the Society of the delivery of cheap apartments and other benefits to the needy residents of St. Petersburg ... - St. Petersburg, 1867-1912. - 22-24 cm. -
According to the rule. reports: for 1872-1879-1881, 1884-1886-1888-1890, 1891: Report on the activities of the Society for the delivery of cheap apartments and other benefits to the needy residents of St. Petersburg ...; for 1867, 1882, 1883 .: Report of the Committee of the Society of the delivery of cheap apartments and other benefits to the needy residents of St. Petersburg ...
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
For 1900: the 40th year. - 1901. -72 sec .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL