The expression of feelings of joy and deepest gratitude to the sovereign august, Emperor Alexander I, all Russia, the Autocrat w...

Vensovich, Ivan
The expression of feelings of joy and deepest gratitude to the sovereign august, Emperor Alexander I, all Russia, the Autocrat with the most glorious celebration of the high-born birthday of His Imperial Majesty, on the occasion of the proclamation of the Doctor's Dignity, pronounced in a public meeting of the Imperial Moscow University, Ivan Vensovich, a newly created medicine by a doctor and established under the Imperial Moscow The educational house of the Institute of Lovers by a reporter. December, 14 days of 1803. - Moscow: Type. Imp. Moscow. Un-ta, 1803. -14 s .. - .
I. Alexander I (Imp, 1777-1825).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher тип. Имп. Моск. ун-та

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