Famous features from life and military exploits of Feldmarshal Count Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich-Erivansky and the brave of his as...

Guryanov, Ivan Gavrilovich (1791 not earlier than 1854).Famous features from life and military exploits of Feldmarshal Count Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich-Erivansky and the brave of his associates entering into themselves: all military events committed by the Separate Caucasus Corps, from the beginning of the Persian war before the end of the war of Turkish, the highest rescripts in the name of Field Marshal and distinguished generals,Feldmarshal orders on the corpus, descriptions of battles, military historical narratives, letters and various military components of the anecdotes / IV.Mr.Part 1-3.- Moscow: Type.N. Stepanova with imp.Theater, 1831. -3 t .;eighteen. -AutoInstalled by ed.: Gennadi.Help dictionary of Russian writers.Berlin, 1876. T. 1, p.272;Masanov I.F.Dictionary of pseudonyms ... M., 1956. T. 1. P. 269..I. Passevich, Ivan Fedorovich (1782-1856).II.Mr., Yves.(1791 not earlier than 1854).III.Caucasian Separate Corps.Electronic Source: PBPart 3. - 126 s .. -.Electronic Source: PB
Publisher тип. Н. Степанова при Имп. театре

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