The life of the female population of Ryazan Uyezd in the period of women's genital activity and the situation of obstetric care ...

Afinogenov, Alexey Onisimovich (1857-).
Life of the female population of the Ryazan district in the period of childbearing activity of a woman and the situation of obstetric care for this population: Dis. on the step. Dr. med. A.O. Afinogenova: Med.-stat. Issled. / (From the Clinic of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases under the Imperial Military Medical Academy). - St. Petersburg: type. Headquarters Otd. the corps of the gendarmes, 1903. - [2], 136, [5] p., 1 liter. Table. : tab. ; 22. - (A series of doctoral dissertations admitted to the defense in the Imperial Military Medical Academy in 1902-1903 school year, No. 65). -
Bibliography: "Literature" (pp. 131-136).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher тип. Штаба Отд. корпуса жандармов

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