Proceedings of the Ryazan regional studies office.Bibliography of the Ryazan region.Vol.5 (46).Ethnography and Archeology

Ryazan local history office.Proceedings of the Ryazan regional studies office.- Vol.1 (42) (1931) - 8 (49) (1933).-Ryazan, 1931-1933.-Title: Sat.1 (1922) - 41 (1930) Proceedings of the Society of researchers Ryazansky edge;Vol.1 (42) (1931) - 8 (49) (1933) Proceedings of the Ryazan regional studies office..Periodicals - 1. Ryazan local history office.2. The people (set).3. Domestic serials and serials (collection).4. The area (collection).5. Local history historical - Ryazan region - Periodicals.6. Ryazan region - History - Periodicals.BBK 63.3 (28-8Ryaz) 614-2ya54BBK 65.03 (28-8Ryaz) 614ya54electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: Ryazan OUNBVol.5 (46): Etnografia and archeology / AA amounted Mansurov.Part 2, Vol.1. - 1932 -44 with .. - (Bibliography of the Ryazan region).-Pointers: a.37-44..I. Mansurov, Alexei (1900-1944) .1.Periodicals - Ryazan local history office.2. The people (set).3. Domestic serials and serials (collection).4. The area (collection).5. The territory of Russia: Ryazan region (collection).6. Ryazan region: pages of history (collection).7. Ethnography - Ryazan Region - Bibliography.8. Archeology - Ryazan Region - Bibliography.9. Local history historical - Ryazan region - Periodicals.10. Ryazan region - History - Periodicals.BBK 63.442 (2Ros-4Ryaz) x1BBK 63.529 (235) x1BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Ryaz) 614ya54electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: Ryazan OUNB
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