Author Кетриц Бернард Эрнестович Description Ketrits, Bernard Ernestovich The First State Duma / [B. Ketrits]. - St. Petersburg: Brokhaus-Efron, 1907. -90 p. ; 20. - (Library of Self-Education, Book of Political and Social Content / Edited by Prof. IIIvaniukova, Ed .: Prof. P. Brounov and V. A. Fausek, Issue 1) . I. Russia. The State Duma. Convocation (1). Source of the electronic copy: PB Publisher Издание Акц. Общ. Брокгауз-Ефрон Catalogue object Россия II пол. 90-х гг. XIX в. История права Collections State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 18th - early 20th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → State Duma → State Duma in the history of Russian statehood → Activities of the State Duma → First Duma (April 27 - July 8, 1906)