Notes of Philip Vigel. Part 6-7

Vigel, Philip Philipovich (1786-1856).
Notes of Philip Vigel. - Ed. "Russian Arch." (additional from the original manuscript). Part 1-7. -Moscow: Univ. type., 1891-1893. -7 t.; 26. -
Ed. also under the heading: Memoirs.
Прил. to the "Russian arch." 1891. № 6-12; 1892. No. 1-12; 1893. No. 1-4.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Part 6-7. - 1892-1893. -196, 36, 256, 107 s .. -
Each part has a department. tit. l. and pagination.
With. 1-36 second pag. "Remarks on the current state of Bessarabia: Pisano in October 1823 / Works by FF Vigel," from the department. tit. l .. - S. 1-68 fourth pag. "Kerch (1827): Adapted to Ch. 7 of his Notes / Works of FF Vigel", with Dep. tit. L. - S. 69-74 fourth pag. "Pedigree of Vigels". - Decree. to F.F. Vigel: with. 76-107 of the fourth pagination.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Унив. тип.

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