The telegram of the Petrograd VRK commandants and the heads of railway stations on the non-fulfillment of the order of General B...

Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee.The telegram of the Petrograd VRK commandants and the heads of railway stations on the non-fulfillment of the order of General Bagratuni on the unhindered pass of military echelons to Petrograd, the detained orders of the Kerensky and General Provisional Government, focused under Petrograd, the current army and the offensive institutions for Petrograd, the elections to the Constituent Assembly andThe attitude to the Bolsheviks [Case]: October 25, 1917-16 November 1917. - 19--.-22 l .. - (Foundation Military Revolutionary Committee (Petrograd VRK, PVRK) under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Inventory No. 1).-Stall.On the folder: the telegram of the Petrograd VRP on the telephone network and for troops on the delay in the telegraph orders of Kerensky, the detainees of the Kerensky and the Provisional Government Generals, the troops focused under Petrograd, the current army and agencies on the occurrence of Petrograd, about the elections to the Constituent Assembly and the attitude to the Bolsheviks..I. Bagratuni.II.Kerensky.III.Temporary government.Electronic Source: PBPlace of storage of the original: GA RF F. 1236. OP.1. D. 51.

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