From the history of the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. T. 6. Additional, memoirs, reference materials

From the history of the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the constitutional commission: transcripts, materials, documents (1990-1993): [in 6 tons] / Constitutional Fund. reforms; under the Society. Ed. O. G. Rumyantseva. - Moscow: Wolters Kluwer, 2007-2010
T. 6: Additional, memoirs, reference materials. - 2010.-1118 pp. : ill., fax .. -
Names. decree .: p. 1031-1118. - Bibliograf. in a substring.
. -3200 copies. -ISBN 978-5-9901889-2-1 .
1. The Constitution. 1993 - History - Documents and materials. Russian Federation. 2. The Constitution. 1993 - Project - Documents and materials. Russian Federation. 3. Power (collection).

Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: PB
ISBN 978-5-9901889-2-1
Publisher Wolters Kluwer
Catalogue object