Notary Herald. April 30, 1904 № 28

Notary Herald: Weekly. scientific-practical. magazine: With apl. Monthly. adj. decisions of the criminal and civil. ca. d-tv and the general meeting rules. Senate, dealing mainly with judicial-notarial practice: Year 1. - [Moscow: T-borechech. A.A. Levenson]. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
April 30, 1904, No. 28. - [1904]. -16 with .. -
Contents: About a single project / S.P. Concerning the explanation of M.F. by the department of the overhead fees the coat of arms. of the statute / [Op.] X. Stamp duty from the acts on lifting the prohibition / [Comp.] Of the notary S. Guryanov. In response, Mr B.O. Inoyevich / [Soch.] Of the notary A. Ivanitsky. A new insolvency project [and others].
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Т-во скоропеч. А.А. Левенсон]

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