Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, publishe...

Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, published by the Office of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense. - [Moscow: Soviet Legislation]
November 5, 1936 No. 32. Otd. 2. - [Sov. legislation, 1936]. -651-654 с .. -
Contents: 307. About the approval of Comrade Frinovsky MP Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. 308. About the release of Comrade T. Yurkin. from the duties of the Deputy People's Commissar of Cereals and Livestock Farms of the USSR. 309. On the approval of Comrade Ulyanov. Trade Representative of the USSR in Czechoslovakia. 310. On the approval of Comrade Shapiro IG. Trade Representative of the USSR in Lithuania. 311. On the liberation of Comrade N. Donenko. from the duties of the Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet, [and others].
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher [Сов. законодательство
Catalogue object