Staggering Russia for Christ's sake

Maximov, Sergey Vasilyevich (1831-1901).
Staggering Russia for Christ's sake / [Op.] S. Maximov. - St. Petersburg: type. t-va "The Society of Benefits", 1877. - [2], 467 p. ; 22. -
Contents: Prosleks and inquirers; Kubrak and Labory; Beggary brethren: 1. Pobirushki and fire victims. 2. Roughbreds and boulders. 3. Caliki crosses; Mantis and pilgrims; Hideers and Christ-lovers.
I. Ilovaisky, Dmitry Ivanovich.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Типография Товарищества "Общественная польза"
Catalogue object