Archival material. T. 2. [Ch. 1-2]

Archival material: Newly-discovered documents of the patrimonial institutions of the Moscow kingdom / Moscow. Archive of the Ministry of Justice. - Moscow: Type. Imp. Moscow. University, 1909. - .
I. Russia. Ministry of Justice. The Moscow archive.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
T. 2. [Ch. 1-2] / [Comp.] The manager of the Archives D.Ya. Samokvazov. - 1909. -XXIII, 141, 635, 552 / 1-627 / 76 s .. -
Geogr. decree .: p. 591-628 third pag .. - Personal index: with. 553-590 third pag .. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note
I. Samokvasov, D.Ya. ..
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher тип. Имп. Моск. ун-та

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