Vladimir calendar and commemorative book of the Vladimir province .... ... for 1910

Vladimir calendar and commemorative book of the Vladimir province ... - Vladimir: Vladimir. lips. stat. com., 1862-1917. 23-26. -
Signed: 1848, 1862-3 / 4, 1895, 1900: Memorable book of the Vladimir province; 1902: Vladimir calendar and reference book; 1903-1912: Vladimir calendar and memorial book; 1913-16: Calendar and memorable book of the Vladimir province ...
Red. 1895: N.P. Shipin.
Publishing House 1862-64: Lip. stat. com .; for 1848, 1904-1912 - not specified.
I. Shipin, Nikolay Petrovich. II. Vladimir's lips. Statistical Committee.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
... for the year 1910. - 1910. - [2], 205 s .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Владимирский губернский статистический комитет
Catalogue object