Summary of statistical information on agriculture in Russia by the end of the XIX century. Issue. 2

Summary of statistical information on agriculture in Russia by the end of the XIX century: Vol. 1 / MH and GI. Otd. rural economy and agriculture. statistics. - St. Petersburg: type. V.F. Kirschbaum, 1902-1906. - 34. -
Nadzagolovny vol. 3: Heads. Exercise. land management and agriculture. Otd. rural economy and agriculture. statistics.
Bibliogr. at the beginning of
I. Russia. M-in farming and state. property. Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture. statistics. II. Russia. The main exercise. land management and agriculture. Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture. statistics.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Issue. 2. - 1903. - [1], VII, 147 with .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Тип. В.Ф. Киршбаума

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