Collection of statistical and reference information on public education in the Vladimir province. Issue. 4. [Out-of-school educa...

Collection of statistical and reference data on public education in the Vladimir province: Vol. 1. - Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. Zemstvo Board, 1899-1910. - 26. - .
I. The Vladimir Gubernia. zemstvo council.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Issue. 4: [Out-of-school education of the peasant population of the Vladimir province according to the reports of the city. correspondents of the Evaluation and Economic Department of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board. Note and draft statute on school guardianship. The Charter of the Society for Mutual Assistance to Students and Teachers of the Vladimir Province. On the reasons for non-attendance of schools by school-age children according to the reports of the Evaluation and Economic Department of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board]. - 1900.-V, 32, 31 s .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher издание Владимирской губернской земской управы
Catalogue object