Dictionary of pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and public figures. T. 1

Masanov, I.F.
Dictionary of pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and public figures: In 3 volumes - Moscow: All-Union. book. Chamber, 1941. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
T. 1. - 1941. -XLVI, 572 stb. -
. Region: Dictionary of pseudonyms.
Before the text: In memory of Alexander Vasilyevich Smirnov ...
. -8,000 copies. .
I. Smirnov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1854-1918). II. Bogdanov, Leonid Semenovich.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Всесоюз. кн. палата

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