Soviet justice. 1933 № 24. December

Soviet Justice: Body of the NKJ of the RSFSR. - Moscow: B. and., 1931. - .
I. The RSFSR. People's Commissariat of Justice.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
1933 № 24. December. - Sov. Legislation, 1933. -25 pp. -
Contents: In the campaign for the quality of consumer goods: Advanced. All-Russian campaign of the public asset of justice for the quality of products. Struggle for quality and tasks of the prosecutor's office (and the law) / Vyshinsky. Theft of grain from warehouses and elevators / Golonsky. Prosecutor's Office of Moscow in the fight for potatoes and vegetables / Zetkovsky, Ozhiganov, [and others]. - Prev.-alf. decree. materials placed in the "Soviet Justice" for 1933: p. 14-25.
. -16120 copies. .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Сов. законодательство

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