Plan of land management works in the field period ... in the Vologda province. for the field period of 1914

Plan of land management works in the field period ... in the Vologda province. - Vologda: type. Lips. edit, 1912-1915. 30-34. -
Type. 1914: type. skoropech. A.I. Lifshitz.
I. Vologda Provincial Land Management Commission.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
In the field period of 1914: Approved. decree of the Volog. lips. land management. commis. March 27, 1914. - Type-skoropech. A.I. Lifshits, 1914. -323 p. : table .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Тип.-скоропеч. А.И. Лифшиц

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