Russian bulletin. 1833. T. 164. [No. 3]. March

Russian Herald
1833. T. 164. [No. 3]. March. - Univ. a type. (M. Katkov), 1883. - [524] with a section. pag. : maps., tab. -
. obl: Russian bulletin published by M. Katkov.
Contents: Christianity, Mohammedanism and paganism in the eastern provinces of Russia / [Soch.] B.M. Yuzefovich. Revolutionary ferment in Germany at the beginning of this century / [Com.] A. Sboev. Religious Life in North America / EKS The Last Prophet: A Poem / [Com.] Averkieva. Abyss. Part 1. Ch. I-III / [Comp.] B.M. Markevich, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. and in the text otd. articles.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Унив. тип. (М. Катков)

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