Report on the state of Olonetskaya Gubernaya gymnasium in Petrozavodsk .... for the 1872-73 school year.For 1872-73 academic yea...

Olonetsk Men's Gymnasium (Petrozavodsk).Report on the state of Olonetskaya Gubernaya Gymnasium in Petrozavodsk ... - Petrozavodsk, 1873-1888.- 25. -Stall.Report for 1872-3 studies.Year: Report on the state of Olonetskaya gymnasium..Electronic Source: PBFor 1872-73 academic year: for the 1872-73 school year, with the accession of a brief historical essay of the existence of a gymnasium / Sost.Dir.Yeletsky.- lips.Type., 1873. -76 p.section.Pag.: Tab .. -.I. Yeletsky, Vladimir Nikolaevich.Electronic Source: PB
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