Current agricultural statistics by Olonetskaya province.Vol.3. Izvestia about the state of agriculture for the period from the s...

Current agricultural statistics by Olonetskaya province: vol.1 / Stat.Bureau Olonets.lips.Zemstvo.- Petrozavodsk, 1901-1916.- 27. -OvershaVol.9-16: Assessment. Stat.Bureau Olonets Lips.Earth.counters.Stall.Vol.9-16: Materials on current statistics..I. Olonetskoy lips.Zemstvo-Statistical Bureau.II.Olonetsk provincial Zemskoy Statistical Bureau.Electronic Source: PBVol.3: Izvestia about the state of agriculture for the period from the second third of July to early September 1901.- "Sitting. Attracted" R.G.Katz, 1901. -111 p.section.Pag .. -.Electronic Source: PB
Publisher "Сев. скоропечатня" Р.Г. Кац

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