The reigning house of the Romanovs. Issue. 3. Successors of Peter the Great

Arsenyeva, Sofya Dmitrievna
The reigning house of the Romanovs / [Soch.] S.D. Arsenyeva. Issue. [1] -10. - St. Petersburg: Schools. owls. at Holy. Synod, 1903-1912. -10 t.; 23. -
region: Stories from Russian history.
Bibliogr. at the end of each chapter
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Issue. 3: Successors of Peter the Great. - Synod. type., 1904. - [4], 196, [1] p., 20 liters. ill., Port. .. -
Bibliograf. at the end of chapters.
I. Peter I (Empress, 1672-1725). II. Peter the Great (1672-1725).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Синод. тип.

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