The opening of the monument in Kostroma to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the settler Ivan Susanin, which followed on March 14, 18...

The opening of the monument in Kostroma to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the settler Ivan Susanin, which followed on March 14, 1851. - [Kostroma]: Kostrom. lips. type., [1851]. -16 sec. ; 21. -
Perepech ... from No. 12 "The Kostroma Gubernia Ved." for 1851 g. - Without tit. l. and the region
I. Mikhail Fedorovich (the tsar, 1596-1645). II. Susanin, Ivan Osipovich (? -1613).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Костромская губернская типография
Catalogue object