Banjansky's report from 26 April 1839. Minister of Justice D.V.Dashkov about the means to accelerate the publication of a full a...

Identifier 9054e2bb-dd55-4d82-b693-24e1c914673e
Title Banjansky's report from 26 April 1839. Minister of Justice D.V.Dashkov about the means to accelerate the publication of a full assembly of laws and the continuation of the Code of Laws from 1832 to 1838. The draft Decree of the Governing Senate on the Conduct of the Laws of 1842. 1839-1842.
Dates 1839

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Архивный шифр: Ф. 1251. Оп. 1. Ч. 1. Д. 194

Оригинальный заголовок дела: Доклад Балугьянского министру юстиции Д. В. Дашкову : 1839-1842

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1251 / 1 / 194
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1803-1847 years.
Extent 10 листов
Fonds The papers of MM Speransky
Display format