Explanatory note on the case of Gurusin laws: "Creature of the case."1840-1844

Identifier c63ddd10-6df1-40df-8347-d3ec9c59facf
Title Explanatory note on the case of Gurusin laws: "Creature of the case."1840-1844
Dates 1840

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Архивный шифр: Ф. 1251. Оп. 1. Ч. 1. Д. 202

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1251 / 1 / 202
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1803-1847 years.
Extent 247 листов
Fonds The papers of MM Speransky
Display format