Herald of the Caroya-Murmansk region.1925 No. 34 (49).December 1

Herald of the Caroya-Murmansk region: a popular, local history, illustrative magazine: body of the Council of Aksse and the Board of Murm.g.- 1924, No. 1 (July) -.- [Leningrad]: Council of Aksse and the Board of Murmanskaya Zan.Roads, 1924-1926.-It turns out instead of the magazine "Bulletin of Murman".Title: 1923, № 7 - 1924 Herald of Murman;1924-1926 Herald of the Karelian-Murmansk region;1927-1935 Kareli-Murmansk region.Subtitle: 1924-1925, No. 9 Body of Sovnarkom Aksse and the Board of Murmansk.d. (in 1924, No. 1-7 two-week body of the Council of Arts and the Board of Murmansk. d.; in 1924 No. 8-15, the weekly body of the Council of the Akssr and the Board of Murmansk.);1925, No. 10 - 1926, № 20 Scientific and popular, local history, illustrative magazine, body of the Council of the Aksse and the Board of Murm.g.d. (in 1926, No. 19/20 ... Edition of the Council of Sovnarkom Aksse and the Board of Murm. g.);1926, No. 21- Local Educational Socio-Economic Illustrative Journal..I. Karelian ASSR.Council of People's Commissar.II.Murmansk railway.Board.Territory (collection).2. Power (collection).3. People (collection).4. Territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic (Collection).5. The territory of Russia: Murmansk region (collection).6. Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection).7. Karelia - History - 1920s.-- Periodicals.8. Murmansk province - History - 1920s.-- Periodicals.BBK 63.3 (2 rubber) 61Y54BBK 63.3 (2rd-4mur) 61Y54Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: NBR Karelia1925 No. 34 (49).December 1.- [type-lit.Murman.g.d.], 1925. -17, 7 s.: Il .. -P. 1-2 second Pag.mistakenly numbered 18-19.On tit.l.Paral.Stall.to rus.And Karel.Yaz.Content: Greeting M.I.Kalinin.To the program of the Board of the Murmansk Railway at 1925/1926 / A. Arnold.Industry of the Karelian Republic and its prospects in 1925-1926 / S. Hessen.About the pearl fishery in Murmansk Territory / A.j.Regional science in the Kareli-Murmansk region / A. Somov, [and others]..-1000 copies.Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Типо-лит. Мурман. ж. д.]