Identifier | ce813281-41cb-4225-a398-ff997a5d9703 |
Title | Biographical references about Lomomovy-pompokia George Ippolitovich.Occasions from the report of Shelepina A.N. at the XXII Congress of the CPSU (1961), the Essay of the city of Maryagin "Meetings with compassion knights", Articles M. Olminsky "Three Letters", articles from the "Soviet historical encyclopedia" with the mentions of G. I.Lomomov-podokok in editions 1922-1966 |
Dates | 1961 |
Notes | Часть документов рукописная, часть - напечатана на пишущей машинке и типографским способом |
Text language | Русский |
Level | Case |
Call number | ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 39 |
Cataloguing source | GA_RF |
Series | Weisbrod Abram, lawyer |
Extent | 12 листов |
Creator | КПСС. Съезд |
Fonds | Weisbrod Abram, lawyer |
Summary | III. Материалы, собранные Вейсбродом А. В.; 3.2. Документы о Ломове-Оппокове Г. И. |
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