Title Welcoming letters and telegrams Members of the I Duma, obtained by S. A. Muromtsev during the process of "Vyborg Manifesto" Series Muromtsev Sergey Andreevich Fonds Muromtsev Sergey Andreevich, lawyer, publicist, zemstvo figure, chairman of the I State Duma, professor of Moscow University, member of the Central Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party Display format Full description RUSMARC Collections State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 18th - early 20th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → State Duma → State Duma in the history of Russian statehood → Activities of the State Duma → First Duma (April 27 - July 8, 1906) → Dissolution of the First Duma State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 18th - early 20th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → State Duma → State Duma in the history of Russian statehood → Activities of the State Duma → First Duma (April 27 - July 8, 1906) → Verbatim Records