Identifier | dc99e4c0-4db3-4df8-b3fb-a76eff81e6e7 |
Title | Protocols of meetings of the Central Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party from: February 21, 1916, February 22, 1916, March 4, 1916, March 30, 1916, March 31, 1916, April 26, 1916, May 19, 1916., May 28, 1916 |
Dates | 1916 |
Notes | Документы рукописные и машинописные |
Text language | Русский |
Level | Case |
Call number | ГА РФ. 523 / 3 / 9 |
Cataloguing source | GA_RF |
Series | Party of People's Freedom (cadets). 1897-1940 |
Extent | 88 листов |
Creator | Конституционно-демократическая партия. Партия народной свободы. ЦК |
Fonds | Party of People's Freedom (cadets) |
Summary | Партия народной свободы |
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