Meeting of legal entities and orders of the worker and peasant government issued by the People's Commissariat of Justice.1924 № ...

Meeting of legal entities and orders of the worker and peasant government issued by the People's Commissariat of Justice.- [Moskva]: B., 1924. -.I. RSFSR.People's Commissariat of Justice.Electronic Source: PB1924 № 50. Depth.1. June 26.- ["Mospolygraf", 16th type.], 1924. -612-620 s .. -Content: to establish the amount of deductions from the public commercial tax on strengthening the subsidy fund to finance local budgets.On the provision of tax rates of taxes to the Moscow City Bank.On the reduction of the cash number of students in higher educational institutions of the RSFSR.On the procedure for charging the collection for veterinary and sanitary inspection of livestock and raw animal products.On the provision of students dismissed from higher educational institutions when checking academic success, the right to keep tests in vocational secondary educational institutions, [and others]..-12000 cop..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher ["Мосполиграф", 16-я тип.]

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