Society of jealous of military knowledge.1907 KN.3.

Society of jealous of military knowledge: [magazine].- St. Petersburg: B., 1906. -.I. Society of Uzbis Military Knowledge (Petersburg).Electronic Source: PB1907 KN.3. - [ECON.Typio-lit., 1907].- [2], 159, VI s.: Il., Table .. -Content: Army Team Composition / Gen.-Major Apukhtin.Education of the French soldier / Cap.2 rank Engelman.Reinforced exploration of parts I of the Siberian Corps 14 and 15 of 1905 in the Valley of the Sidalihe / E.A.Verzinsky.Application in the Strategic Service of the Equestrian Division / Per.with it.Lieutenant Zell, ed.regiment.Elchaninova.- a substrateNote..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Экон. типо-лит.

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