Right: week.juridgas..- SPB .. 1915 No. 29. July 19

Right: week.juridgas..- SPB.1915 No. 29. July 19.- Petrograd: [Type."Societies"], 1915. -1937-1982 STB., [1] with .. - -Content: The latest limitations of land tenure and land use in Russia / Pros.-Doc.MBGorenberg.On the limits of the judicial discretion in the claims on income and loss / S.A.Crlic.A.S.Protopopov: (necrologist) / A. Rosenblum.Government actions.From the Bureau of the United Consultations of the city of Petrograd, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote.And in the text off.Articles..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Тип. "Обществ. польза"]

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