Right: week.juridgas..- SPB .. 1902 No. 40. September 29

Right: week.juridgas..- SPB.1902 No. 40. September 29.- [A type.Spb.ac.O-Va "Word"], 1902. -1745-1792 STB.: Tab .. -Content: On the tasks of the modern philosophy of law / [OP.] Pr.-Ass.P.I.Novgorodtseva.Defects of Senate Practice for Jewish Affairs / [Op.] M.I.Mice.Limits of the territorial application of the law on June 3, 1902 / [Op.] A.A.Ellenbogen.On Wolnonamed Writers / [Op.] L. Floca.Judicial reports, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote.And in the text off.Articles..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Тип. СПб. акц. о-ва "Слово"]

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