Right: week.juridgas..- SPB .. 1902 № 19. May 5

Right: week.juridgas..- SPB.1902 No. 19. May 5.- [A type.Spb.Out.Cases in Russia E. Evdokimov], 1902. -955-1016 STB., [1] with .. -Content: Regarding the draft charter about the service of civil / [cit.] N.I.Lazarevsky.Academic Freedom and a new Prussian bill on reform of the instruction of law in law faculties / [cit.] S.I.Zhivago.The case of the murder of the Rothmistra Cryp / V.E.Forensic reports.Government messages and orders, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Тип. СПб. о-ва печ. дела в России Е. Евдокимов]

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