Statistical tables of Vilayetov Turkish Empire, closest to Transcaucasus

Hippius, Alexander IvanovichStatistical tables of Vilayetov Turkish Empire, closest to Transcaucasia: from cards. On which A.S. is indicatedGreen with the participation of L.K.Artamonova, a new adm.division.Vilayetov / Sost.A.I.Hippius.- Tiflis: Type.The Office of the General Incoming Right.Part of the Caucasus, 1889. -14 p., 12 liters.Tab., 1 cards.;22. -Arr.KO 29 t. "Izv. Kavk. Deputy Imp. Rus. Geogr. O-VA"..I. Green, Alexander Semenovich.II.Artamonov, Leonid Konstantinovich (1859-1932).Electronic Source: PB
Publisher тип. Канцелярии главноначальствующего гражд. частью на Кавказе

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