Comments on the book: the experience of Russian grammar Konstantin Aksakov.Part 1. Vol.first

Greek, Nikolai Ivanovich (1787-1867).Comments on the book: the experience of Russian grammar Konstantin Aksakov.Part 1. Vol.first.- St. Petersburg: Type.N. Grech, 1860. -28 p.;22. -At the end of the text: Former teacher [Pseud.];AutoInstalled by Ed.: Masanov I.F.Dictionary of pseudonyms ... M., 1956. T. 1. P. 176..I. Former teacher (1787-1867) .1.Experience of Russian grammar.Part 1. Vol.first.Aksakov, Konstantin Sergeevich (1817-1860).Electronic Source: PB
Publisher Тип. Н. Греча

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